Jul 1983
Born in York County, co-organized by Dick Ivy and Bernie Van Arsdale. In the beginning, 14 charter members.
Sep 1984
Affiliates with the American Federation Of Aviculture (AFA) ending in Dec. 1991 for cause.
Jan 1985
Hosted organizational banquet of Bird Clubs of Virginia (BCV) at Holiday Inn, Hampton, Dick Ivy presiding. (19th)
May 1985
Approved By-Laws for leadership by a Board of Directors. Club now 3rd largest in state. 40 family members. (19th)
Sep 1985
First bird show. NCS sanctioned cockatiel-only show, 38 entries, 12 exhibitors. Ramada Inn, Newport News Rt. 17. (14th)
Nov 1985
Elected first board of directors based on bird circle election and a chairman.
Sep 1986
2nd bird show. All bird with NCS sanction. Hampton, Sheraton. Now 80 members.
Sep 1987
3rd bird show. All-bird with NCS, NFSS and SPBE sanctions.
Oct 1988
4th bird show. All bird with NCS, NFS, SPBE and ABS sanctions.
Apr 1989
Hosted Bird Clubs of Virginia 1989 convention at Williamsburg. (28-30)
Aug 1990
Secretary and treasurer added to by-laws. (19th) Now 125 families. Largest bird club in Virginia, second largest in mid-Atlantic.
Feb 1991
Statewide specialty bird forums (Finch & AmaZone) begun, underwritten by PCBS. By Jun 1992, subscribers in 10 states receiving forums.
Dec 1991
160 families. Club Finch Circle of Friends accepted as manager of the NFS national FINCHSAVE program.
Jan 1992
Begins Colonial Group of PCBS at Williamsburg. Last one in 1994 by disinterest.
Sep 1992
190 families. Because of bird disease potential, cancels bird show. Bird Fair success Nov. 7 with domestic-bred birds only. Bird fairs in 1993 & 1994 very successful.
Mar 1993
Adopts Species Breeding Partnership for Brown-throated conure with a director. Votes to have it as a Bird Clubs of America program, and aligns with BCA in October.
Dec 1993
Moves its Finch Family and Amazon Genus Forums to the BCA National Breeding Program, and begins the Canary Family Breeding Program. All are under-written by PCBS, as is the BCA Club Management Guides, involved in national avicultural goals.
Jan 1994
First BCA Alliance Club underwriting several species breeding partnership directors.
Apr 1994
Hosts BCV convention in Norfolk.
Oct 1994
Hosts 1st Breeder Convention of BCA at VA. Beach. Successful. BCA treasurer comes from PCBS.
Mar 1995
Third BCA director from PCBS, a national aviary self-accreditation program director.
Apr 1995
Members appear with other clubs across America to testify against possible National bird banding of all exotic birds.
Aug 1996
Begins its Pet Information Project to willing pet stores, and vet offices which agree in an educational partnership. BCA pet information pages used.
Jan 1999
Begins auction program for unwanted/donated birds. Proceeds to veterinary/avicultural/conservation research.
May 2000
Club website started on Internet.
Feb 2001
Begin collecting molted feathers for a free distribution program to SW American Indian villages for ceremonies.
Mar 2002
Continue support of Bird Clubs of Virginia conventions, this year at Portsmouth.
May 2003
Change website to www.vapeninsulacagedbirdsociety.org with director Kathy Greaser as webmaster. Chairman leaves for Texas to investigate a new national alliance to promote awareness and action to stop unfair legislation against pet birds and owners.
June 11, 2004
Dick Ivy passed away. Our Chairman was laid to rest on June 18, 2004 at Veterans Memorial Cemetery. Deb Wilson new Chairperson
June 2005
Reestablished Bird Shows
Sep 2006
PayPal Account opened and established on web pages.
May 2010
Bill Warren New Webmaster completes makeover of old website. Added www.vapcbs.com as an additional shorter domain name for club website.
Jan 2013
Nancy Butterfield became New Chairperson
Dec 2013-Jan 2014
Julie Mitchell becomes new webmaster and redesigns website
Jan 2014
Mike Frielingsdorf becomes new Perch editor
Jan 2015
Mike Neal assumes Cockatiel Circle Leader, and Bernie Mlynczak assumes Budgerigar Circle Director
Donnie Hedgebeth assumes Director of Education, Leila Shirley becomes 2nd Vice Chair and Secretary
Jan 2016
Buddy Waskey took over Education Director, Kathy Greaser became Treasurer, and Debbie Amarescu became Membership Director.
Summer 2016
Club changed from a Not for Profit to a Non-Profit (501.3(c)) tax status.
Nov 2016
Moved to new monthly meeting place at Days Inn City Center, 11829 Fishing Point Drive, Newport News, Va. 23606. Meeting starts at 2:30 pm, the 3rd Sunday of each month (Except February when we're at the World of Pets Expo in Hampton VA).
Jan 2017
Buddy Waskey became the new Vice Chair.
We have a new building for our Bird Marts. Saint Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church, 60 Traverse Rd. Newport News, Va. 23601.
Jan 2018
Board abolished dues for at least a year. Membership now free.
Feb 2018
Added over 50 new members from guests visiting our booth at the World of Pets Expo, Hampton, VA.
Feb 2019
Added 22 new members from guests visiting our booth at the World of Pets Expo, Hampton, VA.
May 2020
Steve James is elected the new club secretary.
July 2020
Dale Shenk became the new Love bird circle director.
October 2022
Michele Banner became New Director of Education.
July 2023
Mike Frielingsdorf became new vice chair.